Tuesday, 16 December 2014

My Christmas Gift Wrapping - Blogmas Day 16

So today I did my first bit of present wrapping and I thought I would do a quick post with pictures of the presents to give you ideas (although my wrapping is nothing special, haha).

 I wrapped the presents with some red wrapping paper
 I added a gold ribbon and some cute gift tags
Sorry about the short post with not very much interesting content, but I will have some better Blogmas posts coming soon. Nine days to go!



  1. I really love these types of posts, and your wrapping skills are 10times better than mine! Abosluetly loving reading your blogmas so much!


  2. You're definitely a better wrapper than me haha!

    Anything & Everything


I appreciate all your lovely comments, I will try and get back to you with them! xx