Sunday, 14 December 2014

Christmas Cookie Baking Collab - Blogmas Day 13

Hey everyone! Todays post is gonna be a quite different to the normal post. Todays post is going to be a Christmas cookie baking post. I'm basically going to show you how I made some Christmas cookies I made.

This is a second of Cara and I's collabs, but hers may not be up for a while. I also apologise that this post is up a day late (sorry!).

Firstly, I put butter and sugar together and gave it a mix until it was well combined.

I then whisked an egg together. 
 Next, I added flour, baking soda, the egg and salt. I mixed that all together.

 Next thing I did was roll the mixture out and cut the cookies into snowflake shapes.
 I then put them in the oven at 170'C until cooked.
 Then I put them on a cooling rack to cool.
I am definitely not a baker, but these cookies did turn out to be quite nice. They were also really fun to make with my niece. So, if you have some spare time on your hands, then go and bake some cookies! 


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  1. Your cookies looks delicious :) Great work!

  2. Those cookies look delicious, homemade are always best!

    Lauren x


I appreciate all your lovely comments, I will try and get back to you with them! xx