Friday, 27 February 2015

A Simple Act of Kindness

On a day to day basis, how many "acts of kindness" do you do? What do you class as an "act of kindness"?

"A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing either to assist or to cheer up an individual person or people."

I believe that it's important to do a simple act of kindness at least once in a while. From the 9th to the 15th of February is the Random Acts of Kindness Week (#RAKWeek). This post is a little late for that (I will explain the reason for that after) but I thought today I would just write a little post to talk about random acts of kindness and the act of kindness I did to inspire you.

After a little research, I decided for this post I would write a letter. Something that isn't very common these days, but I found the website The World Needs More Love Letters. Its basically a website where people "nominate" someone and give a little story about why you should write a letter to this someone. Check out the website, and that last sentence would make a little more sense!

Anyway I have written a letter for someone on there and hope to send it soon. Its a lovely simple act of kindness that will only take a few minutes.


 This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily ,Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!)  Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, send a quick email to! xxx

Useful Links-

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Printing Pictures

Don't you think printed pictures are so much better then digital pictures? Go back 5/10 years, people will think I'm crazy saying that as digital was all the range then. I feel now that the world is slowly going back to physical pictures now, with the popularity of Polaroids all over social media.

By the end of 2015, I want to fill an album full of pictures for me to look back on. After all, pictures are for capturing memories. And physical memories (albums) are way easier to keep hold of too.

With the help of Polagram, I have been printing out my pictures. With only a few printed out so far, I hope to grow my collection. When you order using the code PGX4PE19 you and I can get £2 to spend at Polagram. Whats even better is that when you've ordered, you get a code which you can share - giving other people £2 off and yourself £2 off your next order.

I am so sorry if that paragraph made no sense, but it did make sense in my head!

Download Polagram on your device, and you can print out Polaroid shaped pictures, "Classic" shaped pictures and the "Regular" pictures for just £0.29 each. Theres also a huge range of picture books, phone cases, posters etc. to choose from.

I hope you enjoyed this bit of a different post. I hope to be doing more of a variety of posts and more posts like these.


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Infinity Dreams Award

I was tagged by the lovely Cylia to do the Infinity Dreams Award. Its a little like the Liebster awards but a bit more personal.

Rules -
1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you. 
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them
1. Thank you Cylia for nominating me.
2. I always find it hard to do facts about me but here goes-
  • I played harp and piano for about five years. I quit about a year ago due to no passion for it no longer but I wish I hadn't as I would love to be able to play well now.
  • I love pictures a lot. I love being able to capture a moment and be able to keep hold of it. I love how photography is an art as well as a pleasure of capturing moments.
  • I don't like cake or chocolate. Chocolate cake is the worst thing for me, I literally would't be able to eat a slice of chocolate cake without gagging it back up (gruesome description, I'm sorry!).
  • I am a big lover of sweets, Haribo Tangfastics in particular. They're amazing, must I go on?
  • I am scared of snakes. Thats a pretty unoriginal fact, I know but I feel like its a big deal for me. I really dont like the scales and the fact that they "slither" around the place. Its making me cringe just thinking about it.
  • For my GCSE's I am studying- The core subjects (Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English and Welsh), and then Religious Eduction,  Geography, Graphics and I.C.T.
  • I don't know what I want to be when I'm older as in occupation. I want to go to uni and study Graphics possibly or maybe start my own business. The possibilities are endless.
  • I have three goats, three donkeys and one dog. Possibly one of the weirdest combination of pets.
  • I am a mixture between an introvert and an extrovert (I think its ambivert). I love socialising but I do love alone time too. I would choose socialising over alone time but I think I'm becoming more of an introvert these days. I'm not really sure.
  • My favourite tv series' are Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Make it or Break it and The Good Wife
  • I'm a little addicted to tea. My normal amount is around 4-8 cups a day.
3. Questions from Cylia-
Why did you start blogging?
Out of being intriuged by it. I had no idea what it really was, but I'm so glad I did it.
What is the best picture you have ever taken?
Probably this one. It was taken in the Tresco Abbey Gardens on the Isles of Scilly last year.

What is the nicest compliment you have ever gotten?
This is a hard one, nothing really stands out to me. I honestly don't know!
What is your favourite post you have ever made?
This is a hard question too. I really like the pictures I took for the Christmas Make-Up Products which was a part of Blogmas.
Which bloggers do you look up to?
There are quite a few, Hannah Maggs s the main one that stands out to me.
How did you come up with your blogger name?
I wanted to change my url so that not many people I knew in real could stalk me! After ages of trying different things I came up with Emily's Beauty Thoughts. I'm not a huge fan of it but it's okay.
What is your favourite word?
This changes quite a lot, but at the moment I quite like brolly. Its short for umbrella for those Americans out there.
What do you like most about the country you live in?
I love how easy it is to connect to the rest of the world. By being able to speak English I can speak with most of the world easily over the internet. Also I really like the climate (that is rare for a British person to say!), its suits me a lot.
If you could grant one wish what would it be?
This is hard, theres endless possibilities. Probably end poverty or find a cure to cancer, something along those lines.
What is the background picture on your phone?
My lock screen is a default iPhone background and my home screen is an inside joke of one of my friends. Its a picture of her from around a year ago, I need to change it soon!
What is your favourite tv-show?
Either PLL or Gossip Girl.

4. Questions-
Favourite music artist?
Whats the last picture you took on your phone?
What is your perfect pizza?
What cheers you up?
Who is your hero/idol?
Whats your occupation? If you're a student, what are you studying?
Favourite film?
Whose your style inspiration?
What's something you don't tell many people?

I tag-
Hannah and Emily

Thats all I'm going to tag, not 11 sorry xx

I hope you enjoyed this post, I'm looking forward to being able to read your posts girlies! xx


Tuesday, 24 February 2015

DIY Lush Lip Scrub

I read a Pinterest post recently (I am very much in love with Pinterest recently) on a DIY of the Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub. I thought I would try it out myself and show you guys how to do it too.

Total for Lush Lip Scrub - £4.75
DIY Lip Scrub - £0 (I just used things I found around the house, so it was totally free for me)

You Will Need-
Caster Sugar
Oil (I used Olive)
Food Colouring
A Container - I used this one from a travel kit, but you can easily use a make-up pot, I was surprised how easy it is to get hold of a container.

You can also add flavor etc., you can totally customise to how you like it.

You basically just add it all together and mix it, then put it into the container.

This was so easy to do and so cheap compared to the Lush Lip Scrub. Make sure to let me know if you try this out too.


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Sunday, 22 February 2015

My Favourite Boots

Today's post is something I have been planning to do for a while. I got these chelsea boots from Clarks for Christmas.
They're so comfy, but did need a little "wear" to get them to be so comfy. They give me a little un-needed height. I'm 5"7 which is quite tall compared to my friends, so with these boots I am a bit of a giant around them!
Sorry for the muddiness!
They're so easy to pair with outfits. Black has become the main colour of my wardrobe, and these just add to it. These make an outfit a little more "classy" for me. I'm used to slouchy tee's and skinny jeans so with these black boots, it does look a little more presentable. They also go really well with my monochrome coat, which you can see peeking at the top of the picture.
I hope you enjoyed this little post of mine, I hope to be doing more of these fashion/clothing posts. 
Do you have a favourite pair of boots?

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Mini Clothing and Hair Haul

 I recently went shopping and picked up a few things and I thought I could write a little post about it.

1. John Frida Frizz Ease Conditioner - £3.49 - Savers
I feel like conditioner is something I'm always short on as I use so much because my hair is really thick. I normally go for Herbal Essences but today I thought I'd pick up this one. I have seen adverts for this a few times but never really thoguht twice about it. I have been looking for a conditioner that de-frizzes hair for a while now and I saw this and thought it was perfect. I haven't tried John Freida yet so I'm excited to try that out.

2. Monochrome Stripe Dress - £9.99 - New Look
I popped into New Look, just for a look and ended up spending £22, well done Emily. This was the most expensive. I saw this and thought how perfect it would be to wear and it was only £10. I'm looking forward to styling this was some stuff I have got recently.

3. 2 Pairs of Black Tights - £2.99 each - New Look
Tights are something I'm using constantly now for school as I wear skirts more than trousers recently. Almost all of my tights have holes in them which is a total pain. New Look had a 3 for 2 on with tights so I decided to pick these up.

4. Burgundy Woollen Tights - £4.99 - New Look
All my tights are black and , so I haven't got any woollen colourful tights. I thought this pair of tights would look perfect with the striped dress. I think I have fallen in love with these tights already and I haven't even tried them on yet!

5. 5 Pairs of Black Socks - £3.99 - New Look
 Lastly, I have lost all of my black socks, all of them. I keep reminding myself to go and get some more but always forget. Today my mind decided to remind me at the perfect time and so I bought these. I'm not too keen on the colourful heels but there wasn't any others so there we go.

I hope you enjoyed this little post and that your also enjoying the fact that I'm being quite active here on my blog.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

My Weekend Morning Routine

Hey readers, today I thought I would do a weekend morning routine. As I normally work on Saturdays this is my Sunday morning routine/morning routine for days I have hardly anything on (most of the time happens in school holidays!). I thought I would just talk you through my morning.

I normally get up and turn the radio on to start off with. The radio helps me a lot to get up, its like my little alarm clock.

The next things I do is go for a shower. I have a shower every two days and today just happened to be a day in which I went for a shower. Lately I have been using the Head and Shoulders Apple shampoo, Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner and the Lush Snowman shower jelly. I'm a huge fan of this shower jelly as it smells amazing.

When I get out of the shower, I clean my teeth and then do some sort of face scrub/wash. Today I decided to apply the Simple Face Scrub which I haven't used for a while.

I then get dressed. Today I decided to put on this crop top from TOBI and some burgundy jeans from New Look and some comfy socks.

The last step for me is make-up. I normally just do what I mentioned in my Daily School Make-Up and add a little eye shadow etc. Today I put on this brown shimmery shade in the crease of my eye from the Oh So Special palette by Sleek. I also applied my MAC lipstick in Myth (review coming soon).

I normally just let my hair naturally dry if I have nothing on and then just tie it up in a bun or ponytail. 

I hope you enjoyed this quick little post. I hope to be putting up daily posts over the next few days so keep an eye out for them.


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

DIY Bath Bombs

Hi readers, I know I have been quite inactive recently because of my picture problem (read my last post but one to see more) but I now have two quite different posts for you (almost) ready to read. So this first one is DIY Bath Bombs. Today I decided to try out some DIY bath bombs and I think it was rather successful and super easy. So for today's post I thought I would talk you through the method etc. of the whole thing.

For the bath bombs you need-
Bicardonate of soda
Cream of tartar
Oil (I used olive)
Food colouring

Your favourite skin oil/s
Spray bottle with water
Way of moulding/storing (e.g. ice cube tray works best).

I didn't really stick too much to measurements as I didb't have enough of the ingredients to suit the recipe.

You basically add the bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar, oils, and food colouring together and mix it together. You then spray the water as many times as it gets to a sand consistency. The consistency of sand castle sand (you cant build a sand castle with dry sand - it needs to be sticky).

Then I just put the bath bombs in the ice cub moulds. Personally I think its best to do this five minutes before your bath, and then just putting the mixture in un moulding. Personally, I found that the moulding was a bit off a "ffaff" around.

A little note with the food colouring, for me, the colour of the water was much stronger than the colour of the bath bomb so just be aware that your baby pink bath bombs might turn out to have a neon bath tub water.

I did this with my nieces as I thought it was a nice little activity to do this afternoon. They thoroughly enjoyed it and thought the fizzing that they made was "magic".

I feel like a lot of people on pinterest are starting to do this and I now can see why. Its really cheap compared to lush and you get the "handmade" feeling (not that Lush isn't handmade).

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a different post. I hope to do more of these type of posts soon. Let me know if you try these bath bombs!


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Saturday, 14 February 2015

10 Things I Love

Today's post is going to be a Valentines special and is to do with the Secret Blogger Project. In this post, I am going to be talking about 10 things I Love. From Make-up to Films to Activities. So lets get right into it-

1. Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
This is something I ramble on about in nearly all of my posts, but I just love it. I'm surprised I haven't done a review on it yet! The application and quality is so amazing.

2. Seasons
I love seasons. I love that in the Summer I can go to the beach and enjoy myself. I love that in the Winter I can snuggle up with a hot chocolate around the fire. I love that in Autumn I can wear the cutest outfits. I love that in Spring I can go for beach walks. Obviousy, there are pros and cons to each season but I just love the opportunities that different seasons give.

3. The Fault in Our Stars
I may have only watched and read it once, but that is because I'm scared that I may cry too much if I either read it or watch it again. I think the whole internet is in love with this story, but can you blame us? 

4. Photography
I love photography because it captures moments. You can make those moments last longer. It is also an art that I love to try out. I have had a few requests to do more photography posts so there will be some coming your way soon!

5. Friends and Family
Spending time with friends and family really matters to me. Yes, I do spend most of my time not socialising and spending my hours on my laptop in my room. But when I do go outside of my room, I love spending time and socialising with my friends and family. I don't know what I would do without them. 

6. Instagram and YouTube
Both of these are a serious addiction that I don't plan on giving up any time soon. YouTube doesn't need an explanation as I'm sure that most of you are addicted too. Instagram is probably my favourite social media app. I love connecting and posting edits etc. I love talking with my followers.

7. Netflix
On the same line with addictions, Netflix is another. I normally can't go a day without watching an episode of Pretty Little Liars. Hard core fan (not really, but I've always wanted to say that!).

8. Where I Live
I'm not going to tell the internet where I exactly live for the sake of this post, but I do love it. Although we could do with more shops, I love the beach and places around here. I love who else lives here and the activities to do here.

9. Isles of Scilly
This is a holiday destination that I have been going to annually for the last three years. I love it to pieces. I love exploring the islands and the things there. Everything thing about it has a big place in my heart.

10. You
I love blogging and I love talking to my readers. Seeing your comments makes my day. I love the fact that I can write posts like this and hear positivity thanks to you.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. This post was to do with the Secret Blogger Project - 

This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily ,Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!)  Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, send a quick email to! xxx
